Book Cover 1
Book Cover 2

The sense of aesthetics that had began from an inborn knack in artistry and grew to impressive proportions by his late youth has culminated and resulted in quite a few unique and much appreciated pieces of artwork. He has commercially designed customized cards, corporate logos and business paraphernelia. He has also done quite a few coverpages and illustrations for vernacular books, including quirky artwork for standard curriculum textbooks.

The sense of aesthetics that had began from an inborn knack in artistry and grew to impressive proportions by his late youth has culminated and resulted in quite a few unique and much appreciated pieces of artwork. He has commercially designed customized cards, corporate logos and business paraphernelia. He has also done quite a few coverpages and illustrations for vernacular books, including quirky artwork for standard curriculum textbooks.

His paintings, though few in number, are all very unique in nature and have been collected by admirers. He still often takes to design for a change in pace and often oversees the production of exclusive cards and invitations on special request.